About Us
IMAS Mission Statement.
Island Medical Assistance Society IMAS is a Not-for-Profit Corporation & Humanitarian Foundation
Created in the USA to support health services for the people of the islands of CRES, LOSINJ, ILOVIK, SUSAK, MALE I VELE SRAKANE, & UNIJE in Croatia.
IMAS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The contributions are tax-deductible to the extend allowed by law. No goods or services can be received or exchanged for donations.
IMAS members are predominately immigrants from islands named in mission statement. Our board consists of maximum 23 members. Currently, March 2021, our president is Dusanka Marusic. To view all members, click on the “Board Of Directors”.
To Donate Or For More Information:
P.O.Box 314
Manhasset NY, 11030
Email: IMASinformation@gmail.com